Specialized Benefit Advisors, LLC
Your Go-To Resource for Honest & Trustworthy Insurance Guidance
Specialized Benefit Advisors, LLC is a full-service insurance agency built on the foundation of customer loyalty and trust. We specialize in Medicare, Health and Life Insurance, and income-protection products, and are committed to bringing you peace of mind by offering quality products and personalized service.
Specialized Benefit Advisors, LLC is a women-owned business that began in Florida and has expanded to serve clients in multiple states. Our agents are dedicated to serving clients in their local communities with honesty, integrity, and expertise. Our wide selection of carriers makes it easy for our team to find the best plan options for your budget and needs. Finding an agency that values developing long-term relationships can be challenging. We take pride in being your go-to resource for honest and trustworthy insurance guidance.
Meet The Team

My name is Sandra Ivette Anselmo. I was born in Caguas, Puerto Rico, then came to Orlando, Florida in 1997 and currently I reside in Sanford, Florida. My education accomplishments include an Associate’s Degree in Business Administrations and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. I am also very involved with community volunteering for the underserved in my neighborhood and participate in events at my local Church. I started in the insurance industry in 2016 and started my own Insurance Agency, Specialized Benefit Advisors LLC in 2017. My favorite things about being a Medicare Insurance Advisors is to be able to connect with others, listen and understand their needs and be able to guide them in the right direction. Feeling the satisfaction that you are doing the right thing and coming at the right time in their lives. In addition, educating my clients in a way that they can maximize the benefits in the insurance plan that they are in. I can be diverse and connect with the Spanish community since I am bilingual and speak fluently both language, Spanish and English. I look forward in getting you the benefits and help you deserve. Let me be your guide in choosing your Medicare Plan.

I was born and raised in New York, daughter to a retired Renowned French and Italian Chief and a Color Correction Specialist and Cosmetologist. My beautiful parents raised us in a loving home, while both being business owners and amazing providers. By age 12, I enjoyed off Broadway and Broadway plays with dinner in the city. New York is a beautiful place and I had a beautiful upbringing. I was blessed never to have lived any of the depictions often seen on TV about my beautiful NY. I graduated HS at the tender age of 17, becoming a college freshman at 17. Receiving a degree in Criminal Justice and Paralegal studies.. Licensed as a Real Estate Broker allows my passion to help to become a reality. While maintaining compassion, respect (despite of educational level and income) and understanding of others and their perspective lives and or previous journeys. My life experience is inclusive of but not limited to, owning several Real Estate offices, as well as title company. I enjoy volunteering as a Guardian At Litem and being an officer of the Ninth Judicial Clerk of Court. Law, real estate and overall giving back is something that warms my heart. I love to help others, as I strongly believe in the powers of PAYING IT FORWARD. Which has lead me to become a Life, Health and Variable Annuity State Licensed Agent. Together with Specialized Benefit Advisors, I believe we can continue to help all those in need of clarification and understanding of the benefits and exact right fit one needs for a peaceful and worry free life.

Mi nombre es Amalia Alvarez Tricera, soy Venezolana. Vivo actuálmente en Orlando Florida, junto a mi esposo y mis dos hijas. A pesar de los desafíos políticos y económicos que ha enfrentado mi país, mi familia y yo, nos reinventamos para seguir adelante y alcanzar nuestras metas. Crecí en una familia unida donde los valores y principios seguirian siendo muy importantes, aprendí la importancia de la honestidad, el respeto, la responsabilidad y la empatía. Dedico gran parte de mi tiempo libre al servicio voluntariado en una universidad local trabajando con niños autistas. Desde hace 4 años, soy Agente de Seguros especializada en ayudar a las personas a obtener el mejor seguro de salud, ahorrar y maximizar sus oportunidades financieras, y a orientar y servir a todos los individuos a elegir el mejor plan de Medicare, que se adapte a sus necesidades. Estoy comprometida en ayudar a los demás y mi frase favorita es “¿En qué puedo ayudarte?”.
My name is Amalia Alvarez Tricera, I am Venezuelan. I currently live in Orlando Florida, with my husband and my two daughters. Despite the political and economic challenges that my country has faced, my family and I have reinvented ourselves to move forward and achieve our goals. I grew up in a united family where values and principles would continue to be very important, I learned the importance of honesty, respect, responsibility and empathy. I spend much of my free time volunteering at a local university working with autistic children. For 4 years, I have been an Insurance Agent specialized in helping people obtain the best health insurance, saving and maximizing their financial opportunities, and guiding and serving all individuals to choose the best Medicare plan that suits their needs. your needs. I am committed to helping others and my favorite phrase is “How can I help you?”

Mi nombre es Melixa Mejias Vera tengo 62 años, soy venezolana, tengo 3 hijas y 5 nietos, soy madre soltera, hace 7 años emigramos a este País en busca de un mejor futuro, debido a la crisis política que vive nuestro país Venezuela. Soy licenciada en Lengua y Literatura, graduada de la universidad católica de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia. Trabaje durante 25 años como docente, me gusta servir y ayudar a las personas a ser un poco más felices!!!
Actualmente Vivo con una de mis hijas, cuando decidí quedarme en este País y emprender un nuevo reto, preparándome en el area de Seguros de vida y salud. Doy clases de Seguro y me especialice en Seguros de Salud ACÁ y Medicare. Poseo la licencia de Vida y Salud Certificada en FLORIDA y Texas. Estuve trabajando, dando clases de seguros de vida y salud, preparando a los agentes en los diferentes tipos de pólizas, y sometiendo pólizas de salud, vida y complementarias!!!
Ahora trabajo en esta agencia Especialized Benefits Advisors, quien me abrió sus puertas, para seguir ayudando a esas personas que necesitan de nuestro apoyo!!!!
Mi lema es ama a tu prójimo, vive y se feliz!!!! Estoy a la orden, siempre que me necesites!!! Aquí encontrarás la ayuda que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades!!!!
My name is Melixa Mejias Vera I am 62 years old, I am Venezuelan, I have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren, I am a single mother, 7 years ago we emigrated to this country in search of a better future, due to the political crisis that our country Venezuela is experiencing. I have a degree in Language and Literature, graduated from the Catholic University of Maracaibo, Zulia State. I worked for 25 years as a teacher, I like to serve and help people to be a little happier!!
I currently live with one of my daughters, when I decided to stay in this country and undertake a new challenge, preparing myself in the area of life and health insurance. I teach Insurance and specialize in Health Insurance HERE and Medicare. I have the Certified Life and Health license in FLORIDA and Texas. I was working, giving life and health insurance classes, preparing agents in the different types of policies, and submitting health, life and complementary policies!!
Now I work in this agency Specialized Benefits Advisors, who opened its doors to me, to continue helping those people who need our support!!!
My motto is love thy neighbor, live and be happy!!! I am at your service, whenever you need me!! Here you will find the help that best suits your needs!!!

Mi nombre es Ingrid Quintero, soy colombiana nací en la ciudad de Cali madre de dos hermosas hijas.
Vine a ese país hace 12 años con altas expectativas de darle un giro de 360 grados a mi vida y de
emprender nuevas cosas. En mi País de origen me desempeñé en el área de ventas con preparación en
mercadeo y comercialización de productos. Vivo en la ciudad de Orlando,FL y me involucré mucho con el
area de Salud, soy Asistente Médico, Técnico de hemodiálisis y actualmente me estoy desarrollando en
el área de finanzas como Agente de Seguros. Amo interactuar con personas, pienso que cada ser
humano tiene algo bello que dar de su ser, como hija Dios al igual que tú, El nos da esta oportunidad de
ayudar a los demás con nuestros dones y talentos. Permíteme ser esa luz que te puede guiar en la
decisión correcta con el mejor plan que se adecue a tus necesidades.
My name is Ingrid Quintero, I am Colombian I was born in the city of Cali mother of two beautiful
daughters. I came to this country 12 years ago with high expectations of turning my life around 360
degrees and undertaking new things. In my country of origin, I worked in the sales area with preparation
in marketing and commercialization of products. I live in the city of Orlando, FL and I got very involved
with the Health area, I am a Medical Assistant, Hemodialysis Technician and I am currently developing in
the finance area as an Insurance Agent. I love interacting with people, I think that every human being
has something beautiful to give of his being, as a daughter God just like you He gives us this opportunity
to help others with our gifts and talents. Let me be that light that can guide you in the right decision
with the best plan that suits your needs.

Nacionalidad Cubano
Residente en Miami, Florida
Licenciado en cultura física, desarrollo profesional como (profesor de estudiantes de carreras técnicas)
Máster en ciencia sociales y axiologia. Desarrollo profesional (Administración de empresas y los recursos humanos)
Agente licenciado del departamento financiero del estado de Florida (licencia de vida y salud), seguros de vida, plan de seguros de protección familiar, anualidades, gastos finales, seguros salud OBAMACARE y Medicare.
La salud es la primera y mayor riqueza: salud, amor y hogar hacen el bienestar. Quién salud no tiene, de todo carece.
\”¡Estoy feliz de poder ayudarle!\”
“Su verdadero valor se conoce cuando nos faltan\”
Cuban Nationality
Resident in Miami, Florida
Graduate in physical culture, professional development as (teacher of technical career students)
Master in social sciences and axiology. Professional development (Business administration and human resources)
Licensed agent of the financial department of the state of Florida (life and health license), life insurance, family protection insurance plan, annuities, final expenses, OBAMACARE health insurance and Medicare.
Health is the first and greatest wealth: health, love and home make well-being. Who does not have health, lacks everything.
\”I’m happy to help you!\”
“Its true value is known when we lack it”

Ciudadana cubana, y residente en Tampa
Licenciada en Historia y Máster en Ciencias de la Educación.
En Cuba me desempeñé como profesora y como Trabajadora Social atendiendo los casos más vulnerables de la comunidad.
Ante la necesidad de abandonar mi país por las condiciones históricas que vive Cuba, emigré a los Estados Unidos y decidí dedicarme a una profesión que tuviera en su objeto social el servicio a la comunidad y el bienestar de las personas.
Soy agente licenciado del estado de Florida y me complaceré en poder ayudar a tu calidad de vida teniendo como máxima las palabras de Santa Teresa de Calcuta: quien no vive para servir, no sirve para vivir.
Cuban citizen, and resident of Tampa
Graduate in History and Master in Educational Sciences.
In Cuba I worked as a teacher and as a Social Worker caring for the most vulnerable cases in the community.
Faced with the need to leave my country due to the historical conditions that Cuba is experiencing, I emigrated to the United States and decided to dedicate myself to a profession that had service to the community and the well-being of people as its social objective.
I am a licensed agent of the state of Florida and I will be pleased to be able to help your quality of life with the words of Saint Teresa of Calcutta as my maxim: he who does not live to serve, is not useful to live.

Yolimar Morales – Benefits Advisor
yoliinsuranceagent@gmail.com407-984-8960 mobile | 407-533-0128 office
I am a specialist in Health Insurance, Accounting and Taxes
¡Hola! Soy Yolimar Morales, su agente de seguros y finanzas.
Soy originaria de Venezuela y me gradué en Contaduría Pública en 1998. Tengo más de 25 años de experiencia en contabilidad, impuestos, auditorías internas y externas en empresas manufactureras, de servicios, de distribución, tanto públicas como privadas.
Emigré a los Estados Unidos en 2018 y en 2021 me especialicé en el área de seguros, obteniendo mi licencia en el estado de Florida, seguida de licencias en Georgia y Texas.
He completado con éxito tres Open Enrollments, brindando un servicio excepcional a mis clientes. Asesoro sobre los beneficios de diversos planes, educando a mis clientes sobre el alcance y funcionamiento de las distintas compañías de seguros aprobadas por el Mercado de Salud.
A principios de 2023, registré mi empresa para formalizar mis servicios en el área de impuestos y finanzas, incluyendo contabilidad, registros de empresas, impuestos sobre las ventas, entre otros.
Hello! I am Yolimar Morales, your insurance and finance agent.
I am originally from Venezuela and graduated in Public Accounting in 1998. I have more than 25 years of experience in accounting, taxes, internal and external audits in manufacturing, service, and distribution companies, both public and private.
I immigrated to the United States in 2018 and in 2021 I specialized in the area of insurance, obtaining my license in the state of Florida, followed by licenses in Georgia and Texas.
I have successfully completed three Open Enrollments, providing exceptional service to my clients. I advise on the benefits of various plans, educating my clients about the scope and operation of the different insurance companies approved by the Health Market.
At the beginning of 2023, I registered my company to formalize my services in the area of taxes and finances, including accounting, business registrations, sales taxes, among others.

Me llamo Maria del Carmen Perez Carballo, nací en La Habana.
En 1984 me gradué de Licenciatura en Cibernética Matemática en la Universidad de La Habana, trabajé relativo a las tecnologías de la información por 25 años, luego me desempeñé en la actividad comercial como compradora de insumos para la aeronáutica civil hasta 2021 que decidí venir a vivir a los E.U. a reunirme con mi hijo y empezar una nueva etapa en mi vida, comprendí que hay que estudiar para optar por un trabajo apreciable, por lo que en noviembre de 2023 obtuve la licencia por el Estado de La Florida para Seguros de Salud y Vida, que es un tema fascinante y me permite ayudar a las personas.
Actualmente me uní al equipo de Specialized Benefits Advisors donde espero conectar con muchas personas que necesitan ser orientadas en la mejor opción para su seguro de salud
No hablo ingles con fluidez, aunque puedo entender y leer en este idioma
My name is Maria del Carmen Perez Carballo, I was born in Havana.
In 1984 I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Cybernetics at the University of Havana, I worked in information technologies for 25 years, then I worked in commercial activity as a buyer of supplies for civil aeronautics until 2021 when I decided to come live. to the U.S. To reunite with my son and begin a new stage in my life, I understood that you have to study to opt for an appreciable job, so in November 2023 I obtained the license from the State of Florida for Health and Life Insurance, which It’s a fascinating topic and it allows me to help people.
Currently I joined the Specialized Benefits Advisors team where I hope to connect with many people who need to be guided in the best option for their health insurance.
I do not speak English fluently, although I can understand and read in this language.

Hola, mi nombre es Omar Moreno llege a este pais hace mas de 35 anos en busca de un mejor futuro, incurcione en el area de transportacion hasta llegar a tener mi propia compañia, luego de muchos años y millas al rededor de USA , decidi cambiar de vocacion, estudie y me converti en Agente de seguros para asi estar cerca de mi Familia y servirle a la comunidad ofreciendoles planes de Medicare Suplementario y beneficios de salud, gastos finales y mucho mas. Me siento feliz cuando una persona que ayudo me regala una sonrisa.
Agente de seguros licenciado en florida
Hello, my name is Omar Moreno, I arrived in this country more than 35 years ago in search of a better future, I ventured into the transportation area until I had my own company, after many years and miles around the USA, I decided to change vocation, I studied and became an Insurance Agent to be close to my Family and serve the community by offering Medicare Supplement plans and health benefits, final expenses and much more. I feel happy when a person I help gives me a smile.
Florida Licensed Insurance Agent

Mi nombre es Paola Blandon, de Nacionalidad Colombiana, exactamente de Medellín. Soy Enfermera Profesional con postgrado en Mercadeo y Educación. Mama de 3 hermosos Hijos. Agente licenciada del departamento de Florida( vida y salud). ACA/Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, seguros de vida, Autos, anualidades, gastos finales etc. Ser Enfermera Profesional y Asesora de beneficios es una excelente elección profesional, por que puedo combinar ayudar a las personas y tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad, además de mi vocación de servicio y de trabajo en equipo me permite generar un impacto positivo en cada persona o familia que asesoro.
My name is Paola Blandon, of Colombian Nationality, exactly from Medellín. I am a Professional Nurse with a postgraduate degree in Marketing and Education. Mother of 3 beautiful children. Licensed agent of the Florida department (life and health). ACA/Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, life insurance, Auto, annuities, final expenses, etc. Being a Professional Nurse and Benefits Advisor is an excellent professional choice, because I can combine helping people and having a positive impact on society, in addition to my vocation for service and teamwork allows me to generate a positive impact on each person or family I advise.

Mi nombre es Yadira Rodriguez soy venezolana, con una amplia trayectoria en el ramo de la salud en Venezuela desempeñándome por mas de 15 años en el area de distribucion y ventas de Suministros Medicos Quirurgicos, descartables y productos OTC. Debido a la crisis politica que atraviesa nuestro pais Venezuela, emigre hace 2 años, actualmente vivo con mi esposo y mi hijo en la ciudad de Miami, tomando la decision de emprender esta maravillosa carrera de seguros.
Soy Agente licenciada en Seguros de vida y salud ofreciendo los mejores planes de Obamacare, Medicare, vida y gastos finales. Lo que mas apasiona de esta carrera es servir a la gente, y poder dar la mejor atencion a mis clientes y el mejor servicio.
My name is Yadira Rodriguez, I am Venezuelan, with extensive experience in the health field in Venezuela, working for more than 15 years in the area of distribution and sales of Surgical Medical Supplies, disposables and OTC products. Due to the political crisis that our country Venezuela is going through, I emigrated 2 years ago, I currently live with my husband and my son in the city of Miami, making the decision to undertake this wonderful insurance career.
I am a licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent offering the best Obamacare, Medicare, life and final expense plans.
What I am most passionate about in this career is serving people, and being able to give the best attention to my clients and the best service.

Soy Yorimarvi Dávila, una estudiante de enfermería originaria de Venezuela y actualmente resido en Florida, Estados Unidos. Disfruto pasar tiempo con mi familia, relajarme en la playa y dedicarme a ayudar a otras personas, lo cual me motiva a trabajar en el mundo de los seguros de salud y vida. Mi objetivo es combinar mis estudios en enfermería con mi pasión por cuidar y asistir a los demás, ofreciendo apoyo integral tanto en el ámbito de la salud como en el aseguramiento de sus necesidades vitales.
I am Yorimarvi Dávila, a nursing student originally from Venezuela and currently residing in Florida, United States. I enjoy spending time with my family, relaxing on the beach and dedicating myself to helping other people, which motivates me to work in the world of health and life insurance. My goal is to combine my studies in nursing with my passion for caring for and assisting others, offering comprehensive support both in the field of health and in ensuring their vital needs.

Mi nombre es Yeohana Serrano y soy originaria de Venezuela. Hace 8 años me mudé a Estados Unidos, donde he encontrado una nueva oportunidad de crecimiento personal y profesional. Desde hace un año, trabajo en el mundo de los seguros, un campo que me apasiona porque me permite ayudar a los demás. Mi objetivo es seguir creciendo y logrando éxitos en esta carrera. En mi tiempo libre, disfruto estar con mi familia y cocinar, actividades que me brindan alegría y bienestar.
My name is Yeohana Serrano and I am originally from Venezuela. 8 years ago I moved to the United States, where I have found a new opportunity for personal and professional growth. For a year now, I have been working in the world of insurance, a field that I am passionate about because it allows me to help others. My goal is to continue growing and achieving success in this career. In my free time, I enjoy being with my family and cooking, activities that bring me joy and well-being.

Yasbelys Caruci es una mujer nacida en Mérida, Venezuela, y criada en el pueblo de Río Tocuyo, en el estado Lara. Desde joven, demostró ser una mujer trabajadora y emprendedora, logrando convertirse en empresaria a temprana edad. Sin embargo, debido a la situación económica y política de su país, se vio obligada a emigrar a Estados Unidos en 2017, junto a su esposo y su hija de 5 años en ese momento. A pesar de los obstáculos que enfrentaron en su nueva vida, Yasbelys y su familia lograron superarlos gracias al apoyo de personas solidarias que les tendieron la mano. En 2019, lograron establecer una empresa en Estados Unidos, donde Yasbelys inició su negocio en este país. Con el paso de los años, Yasbelys obtuvo su licencia y actualmente se desempeña como Agente de Seguros. Además, es madre de dos niñas y una esposa dedicada, con un gran corazón y la voluntad de ayudar y apoyar a quienes lo necesiten. La historia de Yasbelys Caruci es un testimonio de perseverancia, valentía y determinación frente a los desafíos que se presentan en la vida. Su espíritu emprendedor y su generosidad la destacan como un ejemplo a seguir para aquellos que buscan superar las adversidades y alcanzar sus metas.
Yasbelys Caruci is a woman born in Mérida, Venezuela, and raised in the town of Río Tocuyo, in the state of Lara. From a young age, she proved to be a hard-working and entrepreneurial woman, managing to become a businesswoman at an early age. However, due to the economic and political situation in her country, she was forced to emigrate to the United States in 2017, along with her husband and her 5-year-old daughter at the time. Despite the obstacles they faced in her new life, Yasbelys and her family managed to overcome them thanks to the support of caring people who reached out to them. In 2019, they managed to establish a company in the United States, where Yasbelys started her business in this country. Over the years, Yasbelys obtained her license and currently works as an Insurance Agent. Furthermore, she is a mother of two girls and a dedicated wife, with a big heart and the willingness to help and support those who need it. Yasbelys Caruci’s story is a testimony of perseverance, courage and determination in the face of life’s challenges. Her entrepreneurial spirit and generosity highlight her as a role model for those seeking to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

Mi nombre es Abey Bermudez, nací en Villa Clara, Cuba. donde conocí el dolor, y la necesidad. Me gradué de técnico termoenergético, de bachillerato en teología, de ingeniero industrial, del centro de narrativa Onelio Jorge Cardoso, y hoy soy licenciado del estado de la Florida, mi formación y experiencia me califican para ayudarlo a tomar decisiones imprescindibles en cuando a Salud y Vida se refieren. Estaré siempre dispuesto y disponible para ayudarte y entregar lo mejor de mí, quiero que conozcas el placer de una atención comprometida y que nunca sientas que estas desamparado. Pondré todo mi esfuerzo para que juntos logremos lo mejor.
My name is Abey Bermudez, I was born in Villa Clara, Cuba. where I knew pain and need. I graduated as a ThermoEnergy technician, with a bachelor’s degree in theology, as an industrial engineer, from the Onelio Jorge Cardoso narrative center, and today I am a graduate of the state of Florida. My training and experience qualify me to help you make essential decisions regarding Health and Life they refer. I will always be willing and available to help you and give my best. I want you to know the pleasure of committed care and never feel that you are helpless. I will put all my effort so that together we achieve the best.

Mi nombre es Johanna Uzategui, de nacionalidad Peruana, mama de 3 hermosos niños, graduada en Administración de Empresas. Soy Agente Financiero Licenciada en el Estado de La Florida y me dedico a orientar, servir y ayudar a familias como la tuya a lograr sus objetivos financieros, proteger lo que más quieren y a otorgar los mejores planes de salud según sus necesidades. Estoy aquí para servirte!
My name is Johanna Uzategui, Peruvian national, mother of 3 beautiful children, graduate in Business Administration. I am a Licensed Financial Agent in the State of Florida and I am dedicated to guiding, serving and helping families like yours achieve their financial goals, protect what they love most and provide the best health plans according to their needs. I am here to serve you!

Mi nombre es Maria Eugenia Montalvo Garcia. Nací en Santiago de Cuba, Cuba y llegué a Miami Florida en el 2014, lugar donde resido actualmente. Estudié economía en Cuba y luego en Estados Unidos Flebotomia, Agente de Bienes Raíces, Cosmetologia y actualmente me desempeño como Agente de Seguros de Salud y Vida. Lo que más me gusta de ser Asesora de Seguros es poder conectar y ayudar a los demás, escuchar y comprender sus necesidades y guiarlos en la dirección correcta. Educarlos de manera que puedan maximizar los beneficios del plan de seguros en que se encuentran. Hablo español por lo que puedo ser de gran ayuda para la comunidad hispana. Espero poder brindarle los beneficios y ayuda que merece Permitame ser su guía para elegir su plan tanto de seguros de vida como de salud y Medicare.
My name is Maria Eugenia Montalvo Garcia. I was born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba and I came to Miami Florida in 2014, where I currently reside. I studied economics in Cuba and then in the United States Phlebotomy, Real Estate Agent, Cosmetology and I currently work as a Health and Life Insurance Agent. What I like most about being an Insurance Advisor is being able to connect and help others, listen to and understand their needs and guide them in the right direction. Educate them so that they can maximize the benefits of the insurance plan they are in. I speak Spanish so I can be of great help to the Hispanic community. I hope to be able to provide you with the benefits and help you deserve. Allow me to be your guide to choose your life, health and Medicare insurance plan.

My Name is Wilber Cristian Moreta , I was born in the Dominican Republic , in my early years most of my free time from school was spent in church, bible studies and assisting the priest. Upon graduating high school I moved to Memphis, TN to attend the University of Memphis where I graduated with a bachelors in Information Technology, My entire family lives in Florida so I decided to relocate to Central Florida 4 years ago 2020, assisting my community and helping in whatever I can has always been my passion, as a Medicare agent I am able to do just that.

Mi nombre es Wendy Quintero soy cubana, madre de dos niños y una hermosa familia. En el año 2014 me formé como Licenciada en Derecho y he vivido en diferentes países como Angola, Portugal y Francia, en este momento resido en Estados Unidos y me desempeño como agente de Seguros de Vida y Salud en el Estado de la Florida, tengo la misión y el compromiso de ayudar a otros a proteger su bienestar, sus familias y bienes más preciados. Estoy capacitada para asesorarte en tu búsqueda de un Plan de Medicare que sirva a tus necesidades y hacer que ese proceso sea simple y directo.
My name is Wendy Quintero. I am Cuban, mother of two children and a beautiful family. In 2014 I graduated as a Lawyer and I have lived in different countries such as Angola, Portugal and France. At this moment I reside in the United States and I work as a Life and Health Insurance Agent in the State of Florida. I have the mission and commitment to help others protect their well-being, their families and their most precious assets. I am qualified to advise you in your search for a Medicare Plan that meets your needs and make that process simple and straightforward.

I want to introduce myself as an insurance agent in the Port St Lucie area. With over 3 years of experience in this industry, I take a consultive approach when working with my customers, and always aim to provide the best solution available.

Mi nombre es Emma Carolina Sánchez Zúniga Nicaragüense, graduada universitaria en Lic. Administración de Empresas con especialización en finanzas. En Nicaragua trabajé por 19 años en instituciones financieras como analistas y supervisor de crédito. Actualmente vivo en Miami, soy agente financiero autorizado por el estado de Florida.
My name is Emma Carolina Sánchez Zúniga Nicaraguan, university graduate in Business Administration with a specialization in finance. In Nicaragua I worked for 19 years in financial institutions as analysts and credit supervisor. I currently live in Miami, I am a financial agent authorized by the state of Florida.
Our Core Values
These values are at the core of who we are and what we do. As a Christian-based organization, our values are inspired by the golden rule of treating others how we would want to be treated.
We work hard to find the best products for our clients’ needs and we are with them, hand-in-hand, through every step of the way.
We always act in the best interest of our clients, never in the best interest of commissions. Our agents act with honesty and loyalty to ensure our clients feel secure in their decisions.
We care about our customer’s experience, and our personalized service extends beyond the placement of a policy. We take the time to get to know our clients and follow through on their requests. Our agents even check in periodically to make sure our clients are satisfied with their policies and are aware of any changes to their plan.